Contact Us / FAQs

Questions? Feedback? Just want to say hi?

Fill out this form with your specific topic. We will respond to you personally in a timely manner (or as timely as toddlers allow, that is. And if it’s not Sunday).

Be sure to check out some of our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below to see if your question has already been answered.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Answered!

The handling fee is a percentage that covers the fulfillment charge coming from our print providers.

In addition to the United States and its territories, we are currently set up to ship to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Please refer to the shipping time table for an estimate of arrival but also know that these estimates are not guaranteed. Note that for international orders (outside the U.S.) you are responsible for your country’s taxes and fees. You can visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website for more details or check with your local governing authority about your tax responsibility.

We do not offer address changes at this time. Please double check your information prior to placing an order.

We do not offer order cancellations at this time.

We cannot offer shipping upgrades at this time. Please refer to the shipping estimates page found here before placing your order to be informed of your timely delivery.

Unfortunately, no. We are not currently set up to allow for personalized messages. We recommend sending the item to yourself first if this is important to you.

Again, unfortunately, no. We are not currently set up to make this change. We have found that most of our print providers do not include prices on their packing slip, but we cannot guarantee this for every product. We recommend sending the item to yourself first if this is important to you.

Yes, this is your responsibility. You can visit the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website for more details or check with your local governing authority about your tax responsibility.